Thaler, T., Babcicky, P., Clar, C., Schinko, T., Seebauer, S. (2020). Learning from the past for strategic decision-making in climate risk management: Connecting historic and future adaptation pathways. Poster presentation at the EGU General Assembly, 4-8 May 2020, online. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 22, EGU2020-1485. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-1485.
Thaler, T., Clar, C., Hanger-Kopp, S., Schinko, T., Seebauer, S. (2020). Strategic decision-making in climate risk management: designing local adaptation pathways. Poster presentation at the 21st Austrian Climate Day 2020/2021.
Thaler, T., Hanger-Kopp, S., Lückl, A., Schinko, T., Seebauer, S., Clar, C. (2020). Lernen von der Vergangenheit, um die Zukunft zu gestalten: Anpassungspfade als strategisches Instrument für das österreichische Hochwasserrisikomanagement. Disaster Research Days, 13-22 Oct 2020, online. Book of Abstracts pp. 102-105.
Thomas Thaler, Sebastian Seebauer, Alina Lückl (2021). Path dependency and risk perception of decision-makers, de- and re-constructing the 1980-2020 flood risk management in Austria. Risk Perception SoS Webinar Series, 02 Jun 2021, online.
Clar, C., Hanger-Kopp, S., Schinko, T., Seebauer, S., Thaler, T. (2021). Adaptation pathways and path dependencies: Insights into past and future decision-making in flood risk management. Oral presentation at 4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management, 21-25 June 2021, Budapest.
Thomas Thaler, Sven Fuchs (2021). Local innovations in flood hazard risk management in the past 10 years: the potential of upscaling niche developments to reduce institutional vulnerability in Austria. Presentation at the 5th Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies, 21-23 Sept 2021, online.
Thaler, T., Seebauer, S., Lückl, A. (2021). Mapping the characteristics and conditions of path dependency: Re- and deconstructing the 1980-2020 flood risk management in the Aist and Enns river regions in Austria. Oral presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World 2021, 5-6 Oct 2021, Potsdam.
Hanger-Kopp, S., Thaler, T., Clar, C., Schinko, T., Seebauer, S. (2022). Defining and operationalizing path dependency for planning integrated disaster risk management at the municipal level. Poster presentation at the 22nd Austrian Climate Day, 20-22 Apr, 2022, Vienna.
Thomas Thaler, Christoph Clar, Susanne Hanger-Kopp, Thomas Schinko, Sebastian Seebauer (2022). Identifying policy solutions to manage residual risk: the use of adaptation pathways in Austrian flood risk management. INQUIMUS Workshop, 29-31 Mar, Laxenburg.